Melissa W. Hunter

“Everyone has a story and there is something to be learned from every experience.”
- Oprah Winfrey
In my home office, I have a framed picture of an old typewriter with the words Your Story Matters . . . Share it with the World printed across the top. When I stumbled upon this piece of artwork at the store, I immediately purchased it. At the time, I was working on a novel based on my own family's story, and the image spoke to me. Inspired me. Now the picture hangs across from my desk where I gaze at it daily. And my novel, What She Lost, tells a story that matters to me, a story I decided to share with the world.
Following the success of my novel's release, I've had a number of people tell me their own stories . . . stories of family, stories of war, stories of miracles and hardships, stories of love and loss, stories of success and failure. I began to realize that no life is insignificant, and that everyone has a story to share. With this in mind, I decided to launch a freelance venture called Your Story Matters. My goal is to help those who either don’t have the time or the inclination to write about their experiences. As a freelancer and ghostwriter, I can help you put your life into words. Interested? Keep reading!
"Owning your story is the bravest thing you'll ever do." - Brené Brown
Do you have a passion in life you want to share? Do you have a business you want to promote? Have you had an experience you think will impact others? Do you have a family legacy you want to preserve?
If your answer is yes, then you have a story to tell. And whatever that story is, I am happy to tell it for you. With a background as a published author and blogger, I have experience in the book industry, and have worked as a freelance writer/copyeditor for over twenty years. Writing is my passion, and I welcome the opportunity to transcribe your own story onto the page. Whether your target audience is large or small, I can make your story come to life.
Isn't now the "write" time to tell your story?

"What will the world miss if you don't tell your story?" - Donald Miller
How you tell your story is up to you! Everyone's needs are different, and I can help you decide the best way to record what you want to say. There are many reasons to share your story . . . from marketing a business to sharing an experience to preserving a legacy. Here are some examples of the services I can provide:
Memoir or Personal Narrative
Business Book or Corporate History
Self-Help or How-To Guide
Personalized Marketing Pamphlets and Booklets
The ideas are endless! From small booklets to a finished novel, I work with you to produce a polished product that puts you in the spotlight! How, you may ask? Simple!
First, we begin with a planning and outlining session to determine what I will create for you.
Second, I interview you to document your thoughts and ideas. I can also work from any existing manuscripts or written material you may have.
Third, I create an initial draft and two revised drafts based on your feedback.
Fourth, I provide you with a finished, fully-realized manuscript that will make you proud! With your approval, we sign off on the project and you now have your story to share with the world!
"It is important that we share our experiences with other people. Your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else. When you tell your story, you free yourself and give other people permission to acknowledge their own story." - Iyanla Vansant

Now that your story is in your hands, it is your time to shine! If your book is for personal or professional use and you want to take it from there, great! However, if you're looking to grow a larger audience and even plan to publish your story, I can help. Here are additional services I can offer:
Discuss the pros and cons of various forms of publication (self-publishing vs. traditional publishing)
Research appropriate agents/publishers to represent you
Write and distribute query letters
Help with social media marketing
Brainstorm other ways of sharing your story and making the process a success!
Leaves of Legacy
One of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with is watching my father suffer from dementia. He was my hero growing up, a man of immeasurable strength, intelligence, compassion, and love, and he lived an incredible life. As his memories fade, I have taken it upon myself to record his life story for my own sake, for my children, and the rest of our family. This led to the idea of creating Leaves of Legacy, a book written about the life of someone living with Dementia, Alzheimers, or any other incapacitating illness. My idea is to interview those suffering from the illness, as well as their loved ones, in a comfortable setting to chronicle and, most importantly, honor the life of that individual. This can be done in as many

Completed Projects
What Dreams are Made Of
The Birth and Growth of a Family Business in America

Written with my father, What Dreams Are Made Of is not only a corporate history documenting the rise of a successful American company, but a family story of starting from humble beginnings and spanning three generations achieving the American dream. Written with my father, the purpose of this book is to provide the company Down Lite a way to share their story with customers, and anyone else three generations

From the back cover:
Going from the horrors of World War II in Europe to a rebirth in the USA, What Dreams Are Made Of: The Birth and Growth of a Family Business in America documents the history of a multi-generational family that merged together to form the successful business enterprise, Downlite. Proof of the American dream, the history of Downlite shows that with hard work, good education, and grit, it is possible to build a life for an extended family—which includes over 500 employees in four states—through successful business practices and dedication.
Current Projects